Our Portfolio

Here is a brief preview of the work we have done with our partners and clients.
Feel free to connect with us to learn more.

Here is a brief preview of the work we have done with our partners and clients.
Feel free to connect with us to learn more.

  • All
  • Communication Strategy and Research
  • Creative Design and Development
  • Digital Marketing
  • Digital Storytelling
  • eLearning and Knowledge Management
  • Events Activation and Management
  • Web and Mobile Application Development


Consultancy to Develop a Video on The National Plan of Action on Marine Litter


ADB Accountability Mechanism Knowledge Hub Support


Advocacy and Campaigns for Clean Ports, Clean Oceans: Improving Port Waste Management in the Philippines

Coastal Cleanup Video Development


Design And Implementation Of A Communications And Awareness Raising Campaign On Sustainable Consumption Of Plastics And Impacts Of Littering On The Environment


Development and Packaging of Farm Business School Videos and Collateral/Presentation Materials


NDC - Transport Initiative for Asia - Development of Communications Strategy


Development of IEC Videos on Local and National Climate Change Expenditure Tagging (CCET)


Digital Storytelling for Climate Change


GIZ Animation Videos Design and Development

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